Monday, 6 August 2012

I brought you here sir, for I am Spartacus

I have recently re-watched two movies – Empire Records and That Thing You Do. Both these movies have always been massive favs of mine, but I have, without really wanting to, come across a ‘fan version’ or something; an extended version. The thing is, while I have always loved these movies, the versions that I have seen recently make them ten times better movies. They make so much more sense. In Empire Records, there is a character removed (the tow-truck driver’s wife) who, while it is a small role, changes the story about Lucas and makes so much more sense. Birko, Jane and Marc are so much more rich and developed characters, but the main people were Joe and Rex. In the extended movie, Joe has these two wonderful dialogues, one with Jane and one with Lucas about his thoughts on the whole thing. Rex, at the end of that scene about ‘I was lying about your hair, it looks stupid…you’re just a washed up imposter’ rather than lamely quoting Hendrix, says something like “yeah, well, maybe” which is so much better.
That Thing You Do seemingly edited out so many parts of the movie that make it make sense. Little things here and there, but the thing that really got me was there was a whole back story to Tom Hanks’ character having a boyfriend. I always noticed a sort of gay vibe to Mr White, but never really thought that much about it until I saw the extended version, which gives Mr White such a better role in the story.
This post’s lame joke  - My parents live in a town that is so small –
  • they had to kill two old men to start a cemetery
  • the new year’s baby was born in August..
  • they only have half a cricket oval, which means that they generally only win a quarter of their matches
  • when a girl gets pregnant, everyone knows who the father is, even when the girl isn’t so sure.
  • motivational speakers go there for a holiday..
  • everyone has their birthday on the same day..
  • the main street ends in a dead end…both ways
  • their local environment plan is to put in flyscreens
  • they can see themselves in the mirror with their eyes closed
  •  they don’t count sheep, the sheep count them
  • they don’t have tourist stubbie coolers, they have tourist tallie coolers..
  •  they don’t have a rain gauge, they just take the ducks out of the pond when it’s a sunny day..
  • no one has to ask why the chicken crossed the road, everyone knows man..

This post’s inappropriate overshare – I was given this cuddly dog named Alfred when I was three or so. He is one of the three cuddly toys I had when I was a kid, but I have never really liked him. He was always so frowny and condescending towards me and the things that I do (I am Tyler Durden’s low sense of self). Anyway, my son Ruben has him now, except for he has had the little tongue ripped off and looks kind of stupid, which is the first time in 30 years I have been able to look at him, but I am still shamed into believing I am treating him poorly.

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